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Roses Delivered

Send your loved one a meaningful bouquet of roses without it costing the earth. Roses are prized for their elegant, symmetrical flowers and lovely fragrance. Red roses, symbolic of passion, are ideal for commemorating special moments like anniversaries and Valentine's Day, or simply expressing love spontaneously. Pink roses, with their gentle charm, are a fitting choice for birthdays, graduations, or moments of admiration. Meanwhile, the understated elegance of cream roses makes them perfect for weddings, welcoming new babies, or extending heartfelt apologies — especially when paired with chocolates, ensuring each gesture is both elegant and affordable.



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  • The Timelessness of Roses

    Roses are eternal symbols of love and beauty, their colours and textured layers radiating romance, grace, and passion – perfect for classy and interesting flower arrangements.

    In Europe, roses have long served as symbols of love and romance. Red roses represent passionate love, while pink roses convey gentler, graceful affection. Cream roses are linked to charm and thoughtfulness with romantic symbolism stemming from Greek and Roman mythology, which told tales of roses springing from the blood of Adonis and Aphrodite. Roses are strongly associated with Valentine's Day for these loving connections.

    In Asia, roses hold spiritual meaning. In India, they represent enlightenment and purity. In Chinese culture, different coloured roses have various significances - red symbolises prosperity and luck, white is for purity, and yellow is for friendship. Rose water is used in Middle Eastern cuisine for its sweet, floral aroma. Roses have also been bred for tea, adding to their versatility beyond just beauty.

    While red roses represent passionate romance, pink roses convey gentler affection, perfect for friends, family, and new relationships. Cream or white roses are elegant stand-ins for thoughtfulness and charm. They have an innocent, graceful beauty suitable for expressing sympathy and celebrating special moments.

    Many roses have a lovely, sweet perfume. Hybrid teas and floribundas especially have a strong, pleasant fragrance that adds to their charm. Smelling a rose can be a lovely sensory experience equal to admiring its physical beauty.

    Roses pair beautifully with other flowers in mixed bouquets. The soft pinks of alstroemeria complement cream rose arrangements, while dramatic deep pink lilies accent red roses perfectly for bold statements. Baby's breath is a timeless accompaniment, echoing roses' symbolism of everlasting love.

    Roses have remained beloved across cultures for centuries because their lush petals and heady scent encapsulate timeless beauty. They convey love, innocence, elegance, and spirituality all at once. Whether sending red roses for romance, pink for admiration or cream for remembrance, roses are the flowers that say it all. These lush blooms will continue to send affectionate messages and adorn celebrations for years.

  • How to Choose the Perfect Roses

    With so many options, choosing the right roses can seem daunting. Consider the meaning behind different colours, flower pairings and occasions to select the perfect bouquet.

    Red roses are classic for romantic gestures like anniversaries and Valentine’s Day. Go big with two dozen or three dozen for bold declarations. A more petite 6- or 12-rose bouquet conveys affection without overdoing it for new relationships.

    Red roses are not typically associated with sympathy gifts, although crimson roses are a thoughtful choice to convey compassion after losing a loved one. The crimson colour symbolises courage and love, expressing respect for the deceased.

    Pink roses say thank you, congratulations, or happy birthday gracefully and beautifully, and you don’t have to choose a huge bouquet. 12 or 24 pink roses as a gift for a friend or family member make a sweet birthday surprise.

    Cream roses send sympathy and thoughtfulness. A dozen cream roses arranged with wispy greenery make a lovely condolence gift. Pair cream roses with purple stock and white lilies for a heartfelt thank you.

    If apologies are in order, mix red and white roses - white blooms represent innocence, while red blooms say “I’m sorry” passionately.

    A mixed bouquet with red, pink, and white roses adds vibrant colour for festive occasions like baby showers or Christmas. Complement them with seasonal flowers like poinsettias or carnations to gift a beautiful bouquet.

    Consider bouquet size for impact. A dozen roses lend an intimate feel perfect for sharing affection. Two dozen makes a bolder statement for sweeping romantic gestures. Choose a vase of 2 dozen roses or more for larger centrepiece statements.

    If roses aren’t their favourite, alternatives like tulips, lilies and daisies are excellent. Choose sunflowers or orchids for a tropical vibe. Rich purple calla lilies or lavender convey admiration. Carnations offer an affordable, full-blossom alternative to roses.

    No matter the occasion, the recipient or your budget, there is a rose arrangement perfect for expressing your sentiments. Let colour, variety and presentation guide your flower choices. The beauty of roses lies in their versatility – they can simultaneously convey love, friendship, and remembrance. A rose by any other name would not smell as sweet.

    Browse our collection today and get optional free chocolates with selected roses.